Tuesday, 27 March 2018


ख्यातनांव कवयित्री, जगचावी उठाळाकार अर आखै चोखळै आपरी न्यूमेरोलॉजी  सूँ ठावी ठौड़ बणावण वाळी रजनी छाबड़ा जी री घण चावी अंग्रेजी कविता पोथी Mortgaged री कीं कवितावां रो राजस्थानी उथळो आपरी पारखी नजर है😊
कठै गया
कठै गया वै मोवणा ऊजळ-दिन
जद गैलायत बिसाई लैवता
रूंखां री इमरत-छांव
कोयलड़ी बोलती
हरियळ बागां
अर चैन री बंसी बजावतो गांव
कठै गया बै संजीवण दिन
जद नदियां मिळतो
निरमळ काळजो ठारतो ठण्डो पाणी
परकत री पाक हवा में लैवता सांस
अर वायरो मन में भरतो नवी हूंस
कठै गया वै दिन ! (5)
आ चावना
आ चावना थारी-म्हारी
कै जै है औ रळियावतो सपनो
तो नींद कदै नीं खुलै म्हारी
अर जै है जथारथ मन री
तो नींद कदै नीं आवै म्हनै । (16)
सांस छोडता पानका
सूखता-मरता कड़कड़ता
पानका अर फूल
जिका अणथक कीचरीज रैया
आवतै-जावतै पगां
कदै आं मांय ई होवती
हरियल सांस
अर कोयल री कुहुक
निठाव री बिसाई मिळती
इणां हेठळ पसरती छियां मांय ई
किणी नै । (19)
मन रळ्यां महकै मनगत
इकसार हुवण ढूकै जद
मन अर मनगत
खिल-खिल पांगरतो-पसरतो
निगै आवै औ संसार
तद घुळण लागै
जिंदगाणी री जूण में
चनणिया सौरम
सरब मान रो सार । (30)
वगत रै लांबै पेंडै
रूप-किरदार यूं बदळ जावै
बै जिका काल तांई चाल्या करता
पकड़ म्हारी आंगळी
आज वै ई
मारग री सीध बतावै । (46)
कियां बिसराय सकां
कियां बिसराय सकां वांनै
जिका ठा नीं कित्ता ठट्ठा मारिया हुवैला
आपणै साथै
सुख रै सोनलियै दिनां
कियां भूल सकां वांनै
जिका ठा नीं कित्ती-बार धाड़ मार’र
रोया हुवैला आपणै चोसरां
दुख रै वां कजळाईजतै दिनां । (52)

Monday, 26 March 2018

My English Version of 5 poems of Late Kedarnath Singh Ji

जाऊंगा कहाँ
रहूँगा यहीं
किसी किवाड़ पर
हाथ के निशान की तरह
पड़ा रहूँगा
किसी पुराने ताखे
या सन्दूक की गंध में
छिपा रहूँगा मैं
दबा रहूँगा किसी रजिस्टर में
अपने स्थायी पते के
अक्षरों के नीचे
या बन सका
तो ऊंची ढलानों पर
नमक ढोते खच्चरों की
घंटी बन जाऊंगा
या फिर माँझी के पुल की
कोई कील
जाऊंगा कहाँ
रहेगा सब जस का तस
सिर्फ मेरी दिनचर्या बदल जाएगी
साँझ को जब लौटेंगे पक्षी
लौट आऊँगा मैं भी
सुबह जब उड़ेंगे
उड़ जाऊंगा उनके संग...
-केदारनाथ सिंह

जाऊंगा कहाँ / WHERE SHALL I GO?

Where shall I go?
I will remain here only
On some door
Like impressions of hand
In some *’Taakhe’
Or in aroma of a box
I will remain hidden

Will lie pressed
In some register
Under alphabets of my
Permanent address

Or if it could be
I will turn into a bell
Tied around the neck of a pony
Loaded with salt
Moving on high cliffs
Or will become a nail of
Bridge of some sailor

Where shall I go?
Just behold
Everything will continue as it is
Only my daily routine will change
When chirpers will return in evening
I, too, will return with them.
When, chirpers will fly again in morning
I, too, will fly along with them.

*taakhe:  shelves on walls in house, where everynight earthen lamp is lit to invoke Goddess Lakshmi.
 2. HAND /हाथ 
उसका हाथ
अपने हाथ में लेते हुए
मैंने सोचा
दुनिया को हाथ की तरह
गर्म और सुंदर होना चाहिए

Holding her hand
In my hand
I wished
The whole Universe
Should be as full of warmth and beauty
As her hand.

तुम आयीं
जैसे छीमियों में धीरे- धीरे
आता है रस
जैसे चलते - चलते एड़ी में
काँटा जाए धँस 
तुम दिखीं
जैसे कोई बच्चा 
सुन रहा हो कहानी
तुम हँसी
जैसे तट पर बजता हो पानी
तुम हिलीं
जैसे हिलती है पत्ती
जैसे लालटेन के शीशे में
काँपती हो बत्ती !
तुमने छुआ
जैसे धूप में धीरे- धीरे
उड़ता है भुआ

और अन्त में
जैसे हवा पकाती है गेहूँ के खेतों को
तुमने मुझे पकाया
और इस तरह 
जैसे दाने अलगाये जाते है भूसे से
तुमने मुझे खुद से अलगाया ।

You arrived
Just as by and by
Pods of peas
Get sappy

Just as a thorn gets stuck in heel
In process of walking

 You appeared
As if a child is
Narrating story

You giggled
As if water murmurs
On the bank of river.

You shook
Just like a leaf shaking
As if wick quivers
Within glass of lantern

You touched me as if
Specks evaporate
With sunlight

And lastly
Just as wind ripens
Fields of wheat
You matured me

And just as
Wheat is chaffed from husk
You separated me
From yourself.

हिमालय किधर है?
मैंने उस बच्‍चे से पूछा जो स्‍कूल के बाहर
पतंग उड़ा रहा था

उधर-उधर-उसने कहाँ
जिधर उसकी पतंग भागी जा रही थी

मैं स्‍वीकार करूँ
मैंने पहली बार जाना
हिमालय किधर है?

Where is Himalaya?
I asked a child
Who was flying kite
Outside his school.

There, there he replied
In the direction where his kite was on wings

I have no hitch in acknowledging
I came to know for the first time
Where is Himalaya.

5 जाना / GOING
उसने कहा –मैं जा रही हूँ
जाओ—मैंने उत्तर दिया
यह जानते हुए कि जाना
हिंदी की सबसे खौफनाक प्रक्रिया है/

She announced---I am going
I reverted----go
Knowing very well that going
Is the deadliest verb of Hindi language.

Five Hindi poems of Late Kedar Nath Singh ji, extracted from KavitaKosh and translated by me into English. 

Retired Lecturer in English
Multi-lingual poetess, polyglot, blogger and Numerologist
Ph: 9538695141




A constitutive  generation of Hindi Poetry is departing from us so rapidly. It is a very tragic and fearful scenario as very few poets are left behind who personify innate depth and radiance of poetry. Last year kunwar Narayan, Chanderkant Devtale, Doodhnath Singh and now Kedarnath Singh. Kedar Ji was free from major health issues, that generally have grip on persons of 80+ and everybody was quite hopeful that after recovering from Pneumonia, he will resume writing actively. Alas! This hope ditched us.
In the splendid generation of Raghuvir Sahay and Kunwar Narayan, Kedar was probably most popular both as a poet and as a human being and if we recall any poet more popular than him, it was Baba Nagarjun.  Kedar Ji has proved very well that poetry can win laurels for you even without making it non serious or simplifying it, but a poet has to stick to his roots, his native land and his folks primarily.  Nativity always remained neuclus of poetry of Kedar Ji: Chakiya, his birth place or Banaras where his poetic sensations got nurtured and flourished and Padrona, where he worked as a teacher for a long tenure. He stayed in Delhi too for a long span of time and his progeny too settled here, but he mostly dwelled in Chakiya, Padrona and Banaras. Probably, this was the reason that often getting bewildered with urbane life  in Delhi, he fled to his own rural native place, strolled in fields and leading a perfect Bhojpuri life with his chums, enjoyed life. Besides, he felt quite at home at residence of his elder sister in Kolkata that in spite of being a metropolitan city carries fervor of a huge village and where he had plenty of Bangala poets as friends. Poets generally don’t shift from their native soil and even if they migrate, their native soil always remains with them. The conflict between village and city always persisted in poetry of Kedar Ji. Residing in heartless city like Delhi, he used to glance at a spade in his drawing room, with same tension and reproach.
In his poetry too, kedar Ji,not only successfully reflected local and rural sentiments with his own idioms and highlighted issues, but also carved a niche for it in modern creative world. His poetic journey initiated with Navgeet (Songs on Contemporary issues, for creating awareness for change)) and many a voracious readers might be still recalling his effective poetry for masses reflecting rural issues and scenario: Crops will grow, life will grow/ Will grow in our fields/ O! Cloud, I invoke you to come to our fields. This phase of poetry of Kedar Ji stirred restive mind of the new generation that was experiencing disquietude to establish its roots amidst tradition and established norms of creativity:
Maa has planted Tulsi in courtyard /And father a huge Baniyan tree/ Where shall I plant my small rose shrub/ Maiden Poetry Book of kedar Ji ‘Abhi Bilkul Abhi’ and his poems included in ‘Teesra Saptak’ had gained him wide recognition, but after that followed new deviations of his sentiments; diverted more towards modernism and lesser towards romanticism. With his second poetry book, published after gap of several years, he got established as a poet who conversed in language of a committed poet and four dimensions of new poetry and inherent attack and counter attack in it. This  was ‘a language stuck amidst teeth’ where issues were passing through a phase in which calling a spade as spade was like picking it from proper place and placing it amongst unknown culprits’.
Nature is persistently present in poetry of Kedarnath Singh Ji, that was with him right from his first poetry book and in his last poetry book till date ‘Srishti Pr Pahra’, it has  more intensely impregnated. It a great potential of Kedar Ji’s poetry that even a petty object or an ordinary human being becomes distinct and places him in such a heart rendering perspective and does not have to frame any personal statement/explanation. ‘Holding her hand in my hand/ I contemplated/ Entire Universe should be as cozy and ravishing as her hand is’/ is such a popular imagery. Kedar Ji  often turned a point or scene into a complete statement, due to which his poetry was not very prominently vocalized and its tune remained  subdued and he several times met with criticism for not emerging out of these images and never directly commenting on terrific socio-political realities.
Often, a poet lies hidden in his poems. Kedar Ji had a nobility and grace as that of his poems. He rarely talked about thick and thin of his life. He responded after too much of persuasion, but he liked to talk a lot about others, his close friends—just as about kailashpati Nishad and especially enjoyed chatting with younger generation of writers. Letters written to Nishad Ji had been compiled and published as a Book. He always felt awkward when somebody sang laurels about him on stage and when anybody started giving an elaborate introduction about him; he used to interrupt to stop him for doing so. Those who had ever chance to travel with him or spend an evening with him, know very well how pleasant it had been. He was HOD in Hindi Department of J.N.U., but very much unlike other academicians; he was always away from typical image of teacher. His Prose Book ‘Panchayat in kabristan’ though not much in news, depicts a lot how much concern he had for common people.
In his last days, Kedar Ji was occupied with exploring and compiling his published works in various magazines and hopefully, his New Poetry Book and New Collection gets published soon. But, it is a strange and tragic co incidence that is his last collection, his concluding poem points out towards knock of departure from this mortal world and indicates life after death. ‘Where shall I go/ Will remain here only/Like impressions of my hand/On a door/Like aroma of earthen lamp lit and placed on recesses of wall to invoke Goddess /Like fragrance in a box/

My English Translation based on Article composed by Senior Poet Manglesh Dubral in Hindi (published in Hindustan.N.Delhi on March 21st, 2018)