Sunday, 15 January 2017


If I part with you
Instead of dying four days later
Will die four days earlier---?

Who can curtail the speaker.
It is not good to find faults every time.
If winds from  the East flow towards the West
Who is to be blamed for it?
Till the day, according to your wishes
Kept humming your favourite songs
And just continued singing.

If we are willing to do, we can do a lot
Abandoning one circle, can enter into another.
It is not mandatory that we dwell in circle only.
Before departing from world, we can speak the truth.
But, why should we wait for death bed.
Why not to apprehend that
 Gist of life lies in speaking the truth.

The form in which you loved me
That love has vanished
Whatever is left behind
Is withered and useless.
Have we really forgotten
All sweet memories of good days
If you intend to express yourself
Don’t twist the facts.
Speak frankly.

If truth lies hidden in recesses of mind
Why not get burden free, speaking the truth.
This truth will lay foundation to trust.
If love reigns this beautiful world.
Not a single corner will be shattered.
If I breathe my last four days ahead.

Who will come back.
If this is a fact, let us settle accounts.
The two days that we have in hand
We liberate these two days
To live life happily.
How long shall we move, holding finger.
Don’t gaze me with bitterness.
When we have changed our vision
Then view what is dear to your mind.
Why to maintain pretentious relations
If not you, there are others with me on path.
We know how to exchange courtesies
Will meet some co passenger on the pathway.

Let me live, let me smile
Don’t indulge in leg pulling
Save your legs for further journey
Why are you eyeing me
If I am laughing a bit.
If my uttering turns true
Then , your eyes will shed tears.
After all, you are not a stone
You are a human being, my brother.

O ! Noble human being
With your tricks, emerging from hatred and misunderstanding
I have nurtured fathomless intimacy.
And a bit of love too, in inner recesses of my mind.
Though, you live in your circle, with your restraints.
You are very nice, my mates.
God knows, what soil you are composed of.
You don’t comment on any topic of life
And you remain mum on issue of death.

It is better to die four days in advance
Than dying after four days.
Praying to God
You be immortal! Never extinct from life.
Store my affection.
If not anything else,
Keeping love in centre
Draw a circle around it
I will move for away, taking with me
Your pretentious intimacy
Whatever share of it I get from you.
Is this solace not sufficient..!

I have no grudging against you
Whatever, I received from you
I will be contended with that only
I will not demand for anything.
Patience will be virtue of my life.
Because, who comes back……
Truth should dawn upon us
Who will leave behind whom
This world will snatch away from you everything
Yes, I speak the truth
This world will snatch everything from you
Everything. Will leave nothing for you.
In this grabbing, where will reveries go……!

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